Family Synchronicity, Coincidences and a Journey to Past Generations
Since Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung first introduced the concept of synchronicity to describe meaningful yet causally unrelated circumstances, the term has taken on various interpretations and applications. In the context of family history, I have coined the term “Family Synchronicity” to encapsulate the remarkable coincidences that have surfaced repeatedly during my exploration of my family roots over the past decade.
This collection of stories is not only a tribute to my family, enabling future generations to discover and appreciate our shared past, but also an invitation for all readers to explore their own family histories and uncover the profound connections that exist within them. As we ponder these seemingly serendipitous occurrences, let us consider how they contribute to our understanding of both our ancestors and ourselves.
Each chapter weaves together the fabric of my family. My research was initially sparked by encountering a family related coincidence. While I do not claim strict adherence to Jung’s original definition, I believe that by examining these extraordinary moments of Family Synchronicity, we can foster a deeper appreciation for the people and events that have shaped our lives.
As you read these pages, consider how synchronicity has influenced your family history. I hope this exploration will inspire a deeper connection to your loved ones and an understanding that the past is not just a series of isolated events, but a web of meaningful coincidences that continue to shape our current day and into the future.
And, are they really coincidences? The more I explore these, the more I am convinced they are by ‘divine design’.

Navigation of Blog
The main page is a list of blog postings in reverse order, with the most recent at the top. Surnames are listed so you can see the family names discussed in the post. The first few sentences of the post are shown.
A Chapters page provides a table of contents (a chapter is a post).
Surname pages are provided as an index of family surnames both in alphabetical order with links to chapters and by chapter .
Chapters are tagged with surnames, allowing you to view all chapters associated with a specific surname by clicking on the corresponding surname tag. This feature conveniently lists all related chapters for easy browsing and organization.
A Family Roots link opens my family history site. You’ll be able to do more in depth reading and research on our family.
This book/blog is for personal, noncommercial genealogical research and sharing purposes. There are no plans to monetize it.
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